We are so very grateful to our generous supporters and to the foundations, companies
and non-profits who have helped us.
Without you, we could not do what we do!
Our many supporters include:
Dr. Gaerke
G & W Properties
Jay County Beverage
The Goodrich Foundation
Sarona Goodrich Memorial Foundation
John & Sarona Goodrich
Colleen Vagnini/ Phil Steiner
First Bank of Berne
Dr. Grimm
Limberlost Construction
Williamson-Spencer-Penrod Funeral Home
W&T Trucking
SDP Manufacturing
Portland Elks
FCC Indiana
Delta Theta Tau
Stan & Lee Ann Pitman
Terri Lewellen
Pamela Roebling
Jim & Julie Forcum
Billie Hammond
Ron May
Kim Wiesman
Duane Harman
Janice Funk
Joellen Vormohr
Mary (Fran) Austin
Demi Lucas
Gary & Bonnie Maitlen
Allison Mahon
Sandy Drumm
Dale Klosterman
Kathy Lawrence
Joy Littler
Sue Arnold
James Sanders
St. Henry Tile/Berne Ready Mix
Portland Rotary
Jay County REMC
May Financial Group
Buffalo Wings & Rings
Portland F.O.E. 928
Gamma Nu Women's Life
Psi Iota Xi
Cascio Family Dental Care
We have received grants and supplies from the following:
The Portland Foundation
Maddie's Fund
Indy Humane Rescue Relief
Dr. Elsey's
Max & Neo

Other ways to help
Support Midwest Pet Refuge when you shop or sell on eBay with the eBay for Charity Program!
- MAKE US YOUR FAVORITE! First, personalize your shopping experience to benefit our organization by making us your Favorite charity on eBay. This will help us more than you know.
- DONATE TO US IN EBAY CHECKOUT: By making us your Favorite, you will automatically see Midwest Pet Refuge as your preferred charity when you buy anything on eBay, making it easy to add $1 or more upon checkout.
- SELL YOUR ITEMS TO BENEFIT US: Last but not least, help us instead of a thrift store: sell your used items on eBay and donate as little as 10% (1% for vehicles) or up to 100% of your sale to benefit us. When you sell, simply look for the eBay for Charity signature blue and yellow ribbon next to “Make a donation.” Check out the benefits you’ll receive:
- eBay will waive your Final Value Fees to the extent you donate.
- Help the world by upcycling/recycling. Plenty of items that might otherwise end up in a landfill can be readily used by others that may not have the means to buy something new.
- Feel good for doing good.
- SELL YOUR USED VEHICLE TO BENEFIT US: Unlike other charity auto programs, you can sell your used vehicle on eBay and donate up to 100% to benefit Midwest Pet Refuge. This often can result in a larger donation than the $500 or less you may receive from a dedicated charity auto program. Sell and donate the proceeds today.